March 12, 2024

Beware of these 15 Things that can Hurt your Cat Emotionally!

beloved pet cat. Find how you can make your cat comfortable.

Cats are beloved pets that are often treated as part of the family. But are you aware of the fact that these cute creatures require a particular type of care and attention to stay healthy and happy for their entire life? And being a cat owner it's our responsibility to provide them with the necessary care, affection, and environment to thrive. 

If you think that you are providing adequate care and attention to your cat to be happy always then you need to think twice about it. Despite our best intentions, there are many things we do that can harm our feline friends. In this blog, we will explore some of the most common things that hurt cat's emotions and what we can do to stop doing them.

  • Ignoring Your Cat’s Basic Needs

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Cats are creatures of habit, and they thrive on routine. So, they require a consistent feeding schedule, access to clean water, and a clean litter box to stay happy and stress-free. If we neglect these basic needs of cats, then it will lead to health issues and behavioral problems. 

Solution: Ensure that you provide your cat with fresh, clean water every day and a litter box that is cleaned at least once a day. Also, make sure to feed your cat a balanced diet on time, preferably one that meets their nutritional needs according to their age, weight, and any health issues they may have.
  • Rough Play

Cats enjoy playing, but sometimes excessive playing with them can cause harm to them. Rough play with cats can lead to injury or fear. So, do not use your hands or feet as toys while playing with cats, as this may encourage aggressive behavior. Also, it could potentially lead them to bite or scratch you. 

Solution: Provide >interactive cat toys like feather wands or balls that they can chase and pounce on. This will keep your feline friend entertained for a long time.

  • Not Providing Enough Mental Stimulation

Cats are curious animals, and mental stimulation is good for them to stay healthy and happy. Many times, due to the busy schedules of cat owners, they have to leave their feline friends alone at home. In such circumstances, cats get stressed and depressed. We all should avoid creating conditions in which cats might feel lonely.

Solution: To keep your cat mentally stimulated, you should provide them with a variety of toys, such as puzzle feeders, balls, and scratching posts. Apart from this, you can create a cat-friendly environment by adding vertical spaces such as cat trees, shelves, or window perches. These will allow your cat to exercise their natural climbing instincts, which can help reduce stress and provide mental stimulation.

  • Overfeeding

dental care in cats, plants toxic to cats, fact about cats, things that emotionally hurt your cat, cat's litter box, clean litter box, cat care, Cat grooming

Overfeeding is harmful to both humans and pets as it can lead to obesity. Later, obesity can cause various >health issues in cats, including diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. So, every cat owner needs to measure their cat's food and give them the recommended amount based on their age, weight, and activity level. 

Solution: You can provide your cat with healthy treats in moderation and avoid feeding them human food. Follow the diet schedule prescribed by the vet to avoid overfeeding.

  • Ignoring Dirty Litter Boxes

One of the basic needs of a cat is a clean litter box. When we neglect to clean their box regularly, it can cause discomfort and even lead to health problems such as urinary tract infections, constipation, and behavioral problems. Cats hate these unpleasant smells. 

Solution: Make sure to clean your cat's litter box at least once a day, in the case of a single cat and more frequently in the case of more than one cat. Also, replace the litter entirely once a week to ensure your cat's health.
  • Neglecting Grooming

dental care in cats, plants toxic to cats, fact about cats, things that emotionally hurt your cat, cat's litter box, clean litter box, cat care, Cat grooming

Grooming is an essential part of cat care, and cats are known for their grooming habits. Most cats love to be well-groomed. However, being cat owners, many of us neglected this basic thing about cats and left them ungroomed for many days. According to experts, cats who are not well-groomed experience depression much more frequently than the ones who are groomed regularly. 

Solution: Brushing your cat's fur regularly can also help you detect any health issues or parasites. It helps keep their fur clean, reduces shedding, and can prevent matting and skin irritations. Additionally, regular grooming sessions can be a great way to bond with your cat.

  • Not Providing Enough Vertical Space

Cats need vertical space to feel safe and secure, but many cat owners are still unaware of this basic fact about cats. If you don't provide them with vertical spaces, then they might end up scratching your furniture and stuff. Cays usually find it very irritating when they don't see any vertical space around them.

Solution: Provide your cat with a tall cat tree, shelves, or perches that can create a comfortable environment for them. This can also reduce stress and anxiety, as cats have an instinct to climb and observe their surroundings from a high vantage point.

  • Using Essential Oils

Essential oils may be beneficial for humans, but they can be toxic to cats. Cats are sensitive to certain oils, and exposure can cause respiratory issues, vomiting, and even liver damage. Cats hate these kinds of stuff so you must avoid using essential oils in your cat’s food. 

Solution: If you want to use essential oils, ensure that they are stored safely and out of reach of your cat. Additionally, avoid using diffusers or other products that release essential oils into the air around your cat.

  • Using Dirty Water Bowls

Cats require clean water at all times and hate to see a dirty dish of water in front of them. A dirty water bowl can also lead to health issues such as dehydration and urinary tract infections. So, you should avoid giving them water in dirty dishes.

Solution: To ensure your cat's health and make sure that they do not get hurt, you should change their water at least once a day and wash their water bowl with soap and water regularly to remove any bacteria or buildup.

  • Allowing Access to Toxic Plants

dental care in cats, plants toxic to cats, fact about cats, things that emotionally hurt your cat, cat's litter box, clean litter box, cat care, Cat grooming

As humans, we love having greenery around us, and to arrange maximum greenery, we add indoor plants to our home decor. But did you know that some common house plants are toxic to cats? Ingestion of such plants can cause health issues ranging from mild irritation to organ failure. 

Solution: Keep your cat safe by researching which plants are safe for them and avoiding having toxic plants in your home. If you're unsure if a plant is safe, keep it out of reach of your cat or consider getting rid of it altogether.


  • Not Providing Enough Scratching Surfaces

We all know that >cats love to scratch things around them for a variety of reasons, including maintaining their claws and marking their territory. But hardly any of us knows that not providing enough scratching surfaces can lead to destructive behavior, such as scratching furniture or carpets. 

Solution: To avoid this, we should provide our cat with a variety of scratching surfaces, such as scratching posts, cardboard scratchers, or even a scratching pad on the floor.

  • Using harsh cleaning products

While it's important to keep your home clean, many cleaning products can be harmful to cats. Chemicals such as bleach and ammonia can cause respiratory issues and even poisoning if ingested. 

Solution: Instead, opt for natural, pet-friendly cleaners or use plain soap and water.

  • Ignoring Dental Care

Dental care is an essential component of a cat's overall health that is frequently neglected. Neglecting dental care in cats can lead to dental disease, which can cause pain, infection, and even organ damage. 

Solution: To keep your cat's teeth healthy, provide them with dental treats, regularly brush their teeth, and take them to the vet for professional dental cleanings if needed.

  • Leaving Your Cat Alone for Long Periods

Cats are social creatures and need interaction and attention. Leaving your cat alone for long periods can lead to boredom, stress, and anxiety. 

Solution: Make sure to spend time with your cat daily, play with them, and give them attention. If you're away from home for extended periods, consider getting a second cat as a companion or hiring a cat sitter to visit and spend time with your cat.

  • Not Providing Enough Exercise

dental care in cats, plants toxic to cats, fact about cats, things that emotionally hurt your cat, cat's litter box, clean litter box, cat care, Cat grooming

Cats need exercise to stay healthy and happy. Lack of exercise can lead to obesity, health issues, and behavioral problems. 

Solution: Provide plenty of >cat toys to play with, create an obstacle course for them to run through, or use a laser pointer to get them moving. Encourage your cat to play and be active regularly to maintain its physical health.

Final thoughts:

Cats are unique creatures, and as cat owners, we should consider what they like and do not like. If you have recently brought a cat home and don’t know about the things that can hurt cats, then this list will help you a lot. By avoiding these 15 things that hurt your cat, you can provide them with a happy and healthy life. So follow the tips and become a good pet owner for your feline friend.

Nisha Patel

Nisha Patel

I'm Nisha, a passionate pet enthusiast who love to share my knowledge with all pet owners. With years of firsthand experience and a deep love for animals, I bring a unique perspective to the world of pet care.

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