Don’t underestimate these common behavioral issues in cats. appeared first on .

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No doubt, cats on the first go will seem to you to be adorable, funny, and cuddly creatures. As you get to know them better, you will notice they are very fussy by nature. They have been our furry companions for thousands of years, and among cat owners, they are known for their independent and mysterious nature. However, they are somewhat similar to humans and can also develop behavioral issues that can be quite frustrating and challenging for their owners. In this blog, we will discuss some of the most common behavioral issues in cats that a cat owner faces too frequently. 

1. Aggression

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Aggression in cats is a common behavior that can develop for various reasons, such as fear, territorial issues, or lack of socialization. Some common signs of aggression in cats include hissing, growling, scratching, and biting. So, if your cat displays any of these behaviors, it’s essential to address the issue as soon as possible.

To deal with cat aggression, you should start by identifying the cause of the behavior. For instance, if your cat is afraid, you should try to create a safe and comfortable environment for them. This could involve providing them with a safe hiding place or gradually introducing them to new people or pets. In case of territorial aggression, you can try to give them their own space or separate them from other pets in the house. Also, provide your cat with more toys or engage them in playtime to help redirect their aggression.

2. Litter box issues

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Cats are naturally clean animals, and almost all kittens learn to use a litter box in their early days. However, some cats may develop litter box issues, such as avoiding the litter box altogether, urinating or defecating outside the litter box, or spraying urine around the house.

In case of litter box issues in cats, you should first ensure that the litter box is clean and easily accessible. Cats prefer clean litter boxes, so make sure to scoop the litter box daily and replace the litter entirely at least once a week. If your cat continues to have litter box issues, you may need to try a different type of litter box. Some cats may prefer unscented or natural litter, while others may prefer a covered litter box. Additionally, make sure to place the litter box in a quiet, private area away from the cat’s food and water bowls.

3. Scratching

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Scratching is another common behavioral problems with cats. We all know that cats love to scratch, and it’s a natural behavior that helps them keep their claws healthy and strong. If you dont know >why do cat scratches? Read our blog to know the exact reason. However, scratching can become a problem when cats scratch furniture, walls, or other items in the house.

To deal with scratching and >keep off your cat from scratching your furniture, you can provide your cat with a scratching post or pad. Cats typically prefer scratching posts made of sisal, carpet, or cardboard. You can also try spraying the scratching post with catnip or hanging toys from it to make it more appealing to your cat. You can also try to redirect the scratching behavior of your cat by placing double-sided tape or aluminum foil on the furniture or other items that they are scratching. Cats generally dislike the texture of these materials, which may deter them from scratching in those areas.

4. Meowing

We all love to hear when a cat meows. It is their natural voice to convey a message to their owner when they are hungry, need their attention or want to communicate with their owners. However, excessive meowing can become annoying and disruptive.

To deal with meowing, you can first ensure that your cat’s basic needs are met. Make sure your cat has access to food, water, and a clean litter box. Additionally, provide your cat with plenty of toys and playtime to help keep them entertained. If your cat continues to meow excessively, you can try to ignore the behaviour or redirect their attention. For example, you can try providing your cat with a puzzle feeder or >interactive toy to keep your cat occupied. Additionally, you can try providing your cat with a quiet, comfortable space away from the hustle and bustle of the household.

5. Destructive behaviour

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Destruction is another common behaviour in cats. A cat generally shows destructive behaviour when they feel any potential danger or gets frustrated with its owner. During their destructive behaviour, they may scratch furniture, chew on cords, or knock over household items. This behaviour can be frustrating for owners and potentially dangerous for the cat. 

To deal with destructive behaviour in cats, you first need to try the cause of the behaviour. For example, if your cat is bored, they may engage in destructive behaviour to alleviate their boredom. In this case, providing your cat with more toys, playtime, or even another cat to play with can help redirect their behaviour. Additionally, you can also try to remove the objects that your cat is destroying or making inaccessible. For example, you can cover cords or wires with a cord protector or provide your cat with its own scratching post to deter them from scratching furniture.

6. Anxiety

Cats can experience anxiety for various reasons, such as changes in their environment, separation from their owners, or loud noises. Some common signs of anxiety in cats include hiding, excessive grooming, and changes in appetite or behaviour.

To deal with anxiety, you can first try to identify the cause of the behavior. For example, if your cat is anxious due to loud noises, you can try providing them with a quiet, safe space during thunderstorms or fireworks. Additionally, you can try to provide your cat with plenty of mental and physical stimulation. This can include providing them with toys, playtime, or even a window perch to watch birds and other animals outside.

If your cat continues to display signs of anxiety, you may need to speak with your veterinarian about potential treatment options. Your vet may recommend anti-anxiety medication or behavioral therapy to help alleviate your cat’s anxiety.

7. Overeating

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Cats are natural hunters and can eat up to 12 small meals a day in the wild. However, domesticated cats may overeat and become overweight or obese, which can lead to various health issues.

To deal with overeating, you can first ensure that your cat is on a balanced diet and not overfed. You can speak with your veterinarian about the appropriate amount of food to feed your cat based on their age, weight, and activity level.

Additionally, you can try to provide your cat with mentally stimulating toys or puzzle feeders to slow down their eating and provide them with more mental stimulation.

Final thoughts:

It’s natural for cats to develop behavioral issues, but the cat owner should need to address the problem as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming more severe. Identifying the cause of the behavior on the right time and provide with appropriate mental and physical stimulation will help to alleviate many common cat behavior problems. If the behavioral issues in cats persist for a long time, then it is advisable to speak with your veterinarian about potential treatment options. Remember, punishment is not an effective way to deal with behavioral issues, and it may exacerbate the behavior you are trying to correct. With time and effort, you can control their behavioral problems and enjoy a healthy life.

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Nisha Patel

Nisha Patel

I'm Nisha, a passionate pet enthusiast who love to share my knowledge with all pet owners. With years of firsthand experience and a deep love for animals, I bring a unique perspective to the world of pet care.

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