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July 5, 2023

The Common Dog Behaviors and What They Mean

Dogs are a lot more complicated than we give them credit for. As a result, sometimes common dog behaviour myths decoded get lost in translation. Your Dog’s actions tell you a lot about his mood. And although you’ll not be fluent within the canine tongue–short of what it means when it salivates–you do get to find out how to interpret dog behavior. Have you ever witnessed your dog licking certain textures or circling an equivalent spot ahead of you? There are many reasons a selected dog state of mind or health concern may cause him to try to do this stuff. Once you concentrate on his behaviour, you will be ready to help him. There are certain behaviours you can learn to read in order to better understand what your dog is trying to tell you. The better you’ll be able to respond whether that means giving her some space or welcoming a wet, slobbery kiss the more tuned-in you are to your dog’s emotions.  Read below some of the common dog behaviours and what they mean: 

Common Dog Behaviors Decoded

1. Biting

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Dog’s bite indicates three kinds of emotions namely, fear, aggression, and anxiety. In order to prevent these common dog behaviour problems from occurring you must closely come to understand canine body language. The warning signals are given by the dog preceding a full attack/bite. A dog making direct eye contact with the one that it may attack, showing off its teeth,  and growling with raised hackles these all may occur biting. In pups, playfulness also causes nipping behaviour.

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2. Scooting

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It is the act of a dog dragging its behind on the ground. it’s a sign that something is bothering the dog’s anus. It might be thanks to itchiness caused by allergies. In some cases, it’s thanks to anal gland issues. Anal glands produce a fluid utilized in scent marking. within the natural course, a little quantity of this fluid is released during defecation. Sometimes the trail of fluid is obstructed and therefore the sacs holding them become full/bloat up, uncomfortable and infected, and wish to be expressed. Also, a dog that feasts on grass or enjoys licking around things may find yourself with grass/hair being trapped in its anus. it’s seen rubbing its buttocks on the ground to urge the strands out.

3. Yawning

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This common dog behaviour issue is often associated with a desire to sleep or a state of tiredness. A yawn is an urge to nap even in the case of humans. If your dog is yawning too much it means that the dog is stressed or experiencing fear. Yawning may occur when the pet is simply expressing its discomfort around a new guest/external stimulus. Rather than forcing it to face the new person, it is best to give some time and space to the dog.

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4. Jumping

common dog behaviors, common dog behavior problems, common behaviors of a female dog in heat, hidden meanings behind common dog behaviors, common dog behavior issues

Dogs usually jump up to greet you. Since humans are taller the dog simply jumps up to succeed in our faces and gain our attention. Circling is additionally one of the signs related to the idiopathic vestibular disease in older dogs. 

5. Circling

 common dog behaviors, common dog behavior problems, common behaviors of a female dog in heat, hidden meanings behind common dog behaviors, common dog behavior issues, common dog behavior issues, common dog behaviors explained

A dog’s obsession with chasing its tail might be the sign of an underlying health issue like an ear infection. However, once during a while circling shouldn’t raise your concern! Circling is additionally one of the signs related to the idiopathic vestibular disease in older dogs. Only a vet is going to be ready to affirm the particular cause for a fanatical behaviour of this type by completing a radical check-up of the pooch.

6. Barking

common dog behaviors, common dog behavior problems, common behaviors of a female dog in heat, hidden meanings behind common dog behaviors, common dog behavior issues

It’s wont to alert pack members of some possible danger or perhaps when there’s a stranger at the doorway of your house. Other triggers include boredom; the dog isn’t being exposed to enough exercise and games to stimulate its mind.  Excessive barking occurs when their demands aren’t met by their human parents. Sometimes a dog barks incessantly to shoo off strangers, this type of fear of strangers is seen within the rescued lot.

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7. Eating Poop

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Eating Poop

Surprisingly the smell of poop may instil curiosity within the pooch beckoning it to taste the faeces. Another factor might be a nutritional deficiency. Puppies that eat poop are those trying to ape their mother’s instinctual behaviour that involves cleaning its young ones and sometimes swallowing their faecal discharge within the process. Puppies that eat poop are those trying to ape their mother’s instinctual behaviour that involves cleaning its young ones and sometimes swallowing their faecal discharge within the process. Fear of punishment could lead to this common bad dog behaviour specially if it’s done its business in an inappropriate place.

8. Head Pressing

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Head Pressing

Do not take the head pressing lightly! Without further delay, if it is seen pressing its head against a sturdy object or a wall your furry friend needs to be checked by a vet. Consider these common dog behaviors to be a warning sign as your pet could be suffering from toxic poisoning or brain disease.

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9. Digging

common dog behavior myths decoded, common dog behaviors explained, common dog behavior meaning, common bad dog behaviors, common rescue dog behavior

To dig maybe a dog’s natural tendency. During a natural setting, the pack will dig to bury food or at other times to unearth something it can gorge on like mice and rats. Digging of the earth also takes place to make a cool spot that gives some respite from the searing sun. You want to have noticed your pet scratching the flooring or the sofa to create/find that comfy spot before it can retire.

10. Sitting Between Your Legs

common dog behavior myths decoded, common dog behaviors explained, common dog behavior meaning, common bad dog behaviors, common rescue dog behavior
Sitting Between Your Legs

This may be confused with a requirement to dominate or exert possessive behaviour. The important situation however could greatly differ from the above notion. In most cases, the canine is anxious/tense or scared and appears out for a way of security by staying really on the brink of its owner.

So far we have discussed the hidden meanings behind common dog behaviours, which contains the proper information regarding all the common dog behaviours explained. I hope you might have loved reading this article and if you love to know more about pets caring then kindly head to our other articles as well which will help you to get knowledge about.

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Nisha Patel

Nisha Patel

I'm Nisha, a passionate pet enthusiast who love to share my knowledge with all pet owners. With years of firsthand experience and a deep love for animals, I bring a unique perspective to the world of pet care.

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