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December 8, 2023

Top 10 Rare Cat Breeds Youve Never Heard of

We can easily identify the Persian or Siamese cats among the different cat breeds. How about Sokoke? Or a Peterbald? The chances are slim. These cats are the rarest cat breeds in the world. Most households either have a dog or cat as a pet animal. According to, there are almost 370 million pet cats in households around the world. After dogs, cats are considered the second most preferred pet animal.

Every pet owner thinks that his/her pet animal is one in a million. Allow us to burst this bubble. There are some of the rarest cat breeds in the world that you have never heard of. The Cat Fanciers’ Association study has revealed that only 4-5 percent of cat breeds are kept as domestic cats, the rest of the cat species are considered as rare breeds.

Similar to all other endangered and rare species in the world, the rare cat breeds incorporate some unknown thing to treasure. To bring out these treasures and facts, we have created the list of the top 10 rarest cat breeds you’ve never heard of.

List of top 10 rare cat breeds you must know

1. Havana Brown

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Havana Brown

Just like sweet chocolate, the Havana Brown cats are also dark brown in color. These beautiful cats are delightful to the eyes. In fact, it is estimated that only 1000 of these species exist in the world. Isn’t this stunning? The chitty chatty personality, soft voice, and killer yellow eyes are enough to grab your attention and make them the rarest house cats in the world. Also, they love human company and are attention seekers.

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2. Kodkod

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The International Society for Endangered Cats (ISEC) study has estimated that only 2000 Kodkod cats exist in the world. Hence making it another one of the rarest cat breeds in the world. These are wild cats and live in Chile’s dense forest. They are small in size, have thick tails, and black spots all over their brown and gray skin. Kodkod is considered the smallest feline in the United States that only weighs around four to seven pounds.

3. Pellas’ Cat

rarest domestic cat in the world, rarest house cat in the world, rare cat species, endangered domestic cat breeds
Pellas’ Cat

These small, thick, and soft fur cats with a stocky body are mostly found in Asian countries including India, Mongolia, Central China, and some parts of Russia. Warning! Do not get bluffed by their small size. The illusion can blind you completely. In reality, these cats appear to be more big and heavy due to their dense coats and stocky builds. They might look cute but they are fierce. Oh, and you know that these cats are loners? They spend most of their time in caves, burrows, and crevices.

4. Norwegian Forest Cat

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Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest cats were declared extinct in WWII. Their thick fur and waterproof coats protect them against Scandinavia’s chilly winter. The hardy stature, large, and fierce look might intimidate you but they’re social and human-friendly cats. They are loved in Europe but found rarely in the United States.

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5. Savannah

rarest house cat in the world, rare cat species, endangered domestic cat breeds

Savannah is relatively the new cat breed which was recognized in 2012 by The International Cat Association (TICA). This exotic-looking cat breed has a huge black and brown spot coat, large ears, and very little fur. They are the African wild cat’s descendants and the offspring of domestic Siamese female cats and African male serval cats. Savannah can live about 12-15 years of age. They have endangered African species and the rarest house cats in the world.

6. Sphynx

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The most amazing fact about Sphynx is that they first occur as a mutation in a waste of Domestic Shorthaired cat breed. These skinny cats lack fur which is why they are highly sensitive to the weather. Avoid keeping them outside the house because in winter they can easily catch a cold and in summer the risk of sunburn is dangerous to their skin. Sphynx are energetic and friendly cat breeds. They love to play with children and make great pets.

7. Korat

 rare cat breeds, top 10 rarest cat breeds, rarest cat in the world, most rare cat breeds, rarest domestic cat in the world, rarest house cat in the world,

Majorly found in Thailand, the Korat cat breed is one of the stable and oldest cats in the world. They are considered as the ‘good luck cat’ in their native land Thailand and therefore are given in pairs to the bride as the wedding gift. These black and cute little cats are loved tons in Thailand and there are a lot of reasons to back this fact. Korat is affectionate, loving, calm, intelligent, charismatic, and loves human company. They only speak when necessary and are children’s dearest friends.

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8. Kurilian Bobtail

rarest domestic cat in the world, rarest house cat in the world, rare cat species, endangered domestic cat breeds

This Russian cat breed is one of its kind. The International Cat Association study revealed that there are less than 100 Kurilian Bobtail cats in the world. That is why they are one of the most endangered domestic cat breeds. Oh, one more thing, this breed is notorious for shedding. The maintenance of these cats is relatively higher than other domestic cats. Their beautiful-white fur needs a proper wash to remove filth and avoid excessive shedding.

9. LaPerm

The soft corkscrew curls, deep-husky eyes, and colorful coats are all you need to define the beauty in the cat. The curls of the fur are the result of spontaneous mutation. The fur of LaPrem cats is usually a blend of dark and light brown in color. This cat is generally inquisitive, loyal, friendly, and playful. Their personality is like a clown and loves to indulge in mischievous activities.

10. Tonkinese

Tonkinese is the offspring of a crossbreed between the Siamese and the Burmese. These cats are intelligent, vocal, and engaging. Mostly found in Canada, their aquamarine eyes are hard to avoid. The pointed and stable colored coat, charming appearance, and bright-hypnotic eyes are what make Tonkinese a one of its kind. Their features and characteristics make them one of the lovable cat breeds and rarest cats in the world.

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On the basis of facts and surveys, we have collected the top 10 rarest cat breeds for you. There are only a few cat breeds that are kept as pets, the rest are still to be known by the cat lovers.

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Nisha Patel

Nisha Patel

I'm Nisha, a passionate pet enthusiast who love to share my knowledge with all pet owners. With years of firsthand experience and a deep love for animals, I bring a unique perspective to the world of pet care.

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